Partnering to create a community

Capacity building is defined as the process of developing and strengthening skills, instincts, abilities, processes, and resources that organizations and communities need to survive, adapt, and thrive in a fast-changing world.

We recognize those words that speak loudly to our D2BD vision and we are eager to enforce our foundational ground via family and community awareness protection program. Those words speak loudly to our D2BD vision and we are willing to enforce them via our family and community awareness protection program.

From our perspective, we do not live on an island and nature knows no boundaries. We breathe the air and swim in the water that moves across oceans and around the continents… We can’t restore damaged fisheries and forests, control air pollution or even stimulate the next wave of clean technology all on our own. Therefore, we cannot talk about growth and improving lives in general without looking at our natural environment.

In learning to live with the environment around us, it’s essential to pursue and protect the available natural resources – while focusing on and remaining part of a volatile challenging world that centralizes the communities in progress.

However, when carefully observing our societies; from the dawn of history, men have struggled to dominate each other taking away the work and profits from the other. They have conquered and spoiled nations pillaged the earth, and deprived, and depreciated others of their natural rights through guns, thoughts, or influence.

While many of us will say it’s all but before or a long time ago and it doesn’t happen in our generation, we choose to live in a permanent denial state that becomes practically Sociopath Denial.

We don’t want to recognize that in each and every generation, members of the dominant groups say and say there’s no problem with each minority generation members group defined and identified problem request. Yet, both groups are right – now then? The dominant group has been conditioned to see only their privileged environment. In their world there are no or barely any problems, while the minorities drown in the social injustices imposed by their restrictive living conditions.

We clearly see that these generational struggles are not so different from our everyday encountering – they’re similar to those we face and battle on a daily base silently or openly. So, then what sets us apart from previous ones? And what are the difference between them, us, and the ones from earlier decades?

Our privilege is rather that we live in an era of information and telecommunication accessible to all. We have a wider window opened to the world and everyone can instantly become a journalist as he/she chooses to spread the information or knowledge at hand, be it true or false. With the conclusion left alone to the receiver.

At the rate with which we glimpse at these strives – many times we think it doesn’t concern us, but we also identify quicker as it’s in human nature to seek and want comfort and the good of their loved ones.

Unfortunately, due to certain attitudes, we fail to see that these struggles not only belong to those miles away from us. Within a split second – life can change for the better or worse. By observation humans are by nature turned to kindness and compassion and if we want an equal society, we will have to awaken from this alarming sociopath and cultural denial where

We see others as less than ourselves. We must learn to be part of a solution, not part of the problem. Although we can argue that wealth is held by few who are only conditioned to seeing their comfort, it’s necessary that we all stretch out our hands and offer human kindness by renewing our mindset. A shift of 180 degrees aimed to focus on others is a Dare 2Be Dfrent goal